Friday, October 22, 2010


dengan harapan hari ini, semua nya dapat memulakan hari dengan indah.

its been a long silence since last i wrote.
konflik diri, mungkin.

i miss writing
as much as i miss my other half,
as much as i miss family time,
as much as i miss my best friend,
as much as i miss me time,
as much as i miss the blue sky,
as much as i miss the beach,
as much as i miss my memories...

missing means love. as simple as that, is it?
love it or some one, then you going to miss them.
its a beautiful feeling though.

terfikir semasa perjalanan ke pejabat dalam ten minutes ago,
apa yang aku minum setiap pagi akan menentukan mood aku sepanjang hari.
serious berbeza.
ini experiment kepada diri sendiri je la.

pagi minum kopi hitam : jadi hyper, ptg jadi grumpy and anxious
pagi minum pearl kacip fatimah : paginya bersemangat buat kerja pun laju je, bila petang, badan mula lemah
pagi minum milo panas : perut  sedap sepanjang hari, u noe what i mean
pagi jumaat ni, try minum cold chocholate milk pula, we will see later ;)

bagaimana dengan perkermbangan kerja anda cik? (soalan pada diri sendiri)

makin sibuk menguruskan 3 projek yang berjalan secara seiringan.
perlu pandai mengimbangkan masa dan emosi untuk bekerja.
its a bit hard for me to control my emotions la.
im too involve with my own feelings. ayin needs to learn more.
my learning process is widely ranging day by day.
alhamdulillah, this is the way He shows me to do, ill do my very best.
if not, long ago, He will not gave me this path to be choosen.

No matter how tired you are, if you love your job or what you are doing, later on, you'll be rewarded, in such a way that even you cant imagine. Insyaallah.

happy feelings everyone!

* share your happiness with me everyday ait?. ill share every second of it syg *
really made my day. thank you dear.

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