menjaga rumah untuk menukar astro kepada beyond, sangat berpuas hati, cantik..walaupun bukan rumah sendiri...takpe, nanti aku nak gak la..;) *eventho bukan ade masa nak tengok tv sangat nanti* // berkejaran ke ofis (naik kereta tapi kejar kejar, paham?) untuk memprint secara percuma, akan tetapi plotter itu membenci diri ini. hahahaha. tunggu ko plotter, nanti aku balas dendam. heheh // then janji with the pengantin to go and get her inai done, but then sebabkan plotter punya hal, im not in the mood sangat..//we go to ampang point, pusing pusing atas sampai bawah, x jumpaan seh...last last beli template je....// before going back, eat eat lunch+tea+dinner la kan, at hometown ytf..best! // then go back to her home, do the inai // after maghrib, we go and check out the dewan, both pengantin and her bf tak sabar sangat kan...padahal esok pg jugak..nasib baik dekat...// back at home...very the tired sambil do part time job and a wee bit sectional detail *sikit sikit pun lama lama boleh siap punya ;) // sleep late...*hye eyebag!*
inai-ing session at her home

hall decor was super nice!
menghadirkan diri di wedding best best friend ever // tepat jam 9 lebih *tak tepat pun* heee. tiba at the dewan, for make up..gosh..lama gila make up, but in the end..the result was superb...*membuatkan hati sangat teringin jadi pengantin gak ;)* // tup tap tup tap...dah kawan kawan semua datang, a wee bit sad, tak ramai yang datang, masing masing masih ada komitmen pada pengajian, aik aku? *macam la dah habis, padahal report is always on my mind, gile sesak T___T"* // see cikgu and old frens, yang semua pun tak la berapa rapat..but happy to see them after a very long time, everyone seems more matured, better, alhamdullillah ;) // the wedding was great, im super happy to be there with her family, really. the feeling are more mutual, when we go back home, opening all the gift *act macam pengantin baru gak*..her mum told me to call her mama, my another mama. dah lama dah she wants to kongsi her mum with me, really appreciate it you. heeeeeeeee...your family sangat best, im so happy to be with all of them. *ok dah brape kali cakap happy ni? memang betol betol happy k, thank you so much love ;)* //was send back home by her parents with a box of cupcakes and lots of tarts ;D // pengsan sampai pagi, *eh tak sampai pagi*, tersedar at three am, perut tak best, perut sangat sad..ish ish ish tak memberikan kerjasama langsung..hahahah...cubaan untuk tidur tak berjaya kemudiannya...tiba tiba bila tertido, ada msg mintak email? heee. nasib baik ko penting, penting la untuk aku mereply dan dan tu kan.... pagi nye, tak terjaga awal untuk bersiap siap ke rumah pengantin lelaki pulak..eh dah hari ahad la..next next..

ena and ayin

ayin n sophia

mummy and sophia ;)
her mum pick me up *sweet, sebab risau anak die tak sempat nak g kawen ni..heheheh* // driving to banting with pengantin and rahmatun ;) // buy mcd bfast first, a long way to drive kot...// i was driving so slow, cus im worried with the darah manis people in the car *heeeeee...jangan marah ye korang* // sampai sampai je we go check in bilik pengantin to prepare her for make up and everything else // after 2 hours ++, done...// make our way to outside, to jumpa the groom, i was the pengapit *taller pengapit, boleh pegang payung tinggi sikit* heheheh....// kenelah jugak siram ngan air mawar tu...sangat tak tau ape feeling tu // makan at meja vip ok. hahahahaha...sangat best cus ade udang besar punye...*tapi kenelah makan bersopan kan..sikit je la makan...:{ *// then konvoi balik with her family leaving her there with her mertua family..hehe..// masuk kl we pecut to bukit jalil, since bus going jb is from there...// kabut kabut cari ticket without angkat beg..then kabut kabut pergi angkat bag bile dah ade tix..*me kalut, biase ar kan* // on the bus to jb, bored, cannot sleep penangan arabica coffee....// sampai sampai skudai je, ape lagi...eat la..// at studio later, rushing to paste my drawings yang cannot plot tu...// pin up the drawings with help of bakal rakan sekerja // menegangkan mata membuat report // sleep a bit..monday maniac!
orange theme of the day

the pengantin of the day
*i was happy until im boarding the bus, as happy as saturday, then here comes skudai with all sugar spice and all the BAD things inside T___T" *nangis dalam hati jap*......ya tuhanku...jauhkanlah pendusta daripada diriku...amin...*
ok ok bangun awal gile to buat lagi the report *pulun ni tahap ape dah* // buat till tghri...decided to go and print apa yang ada, nama pun draft...hehehe....// go out and have lunch at sotong goreng tepung *lupe name kedai* // trying to print at double A, but as usual, kakak there sombong-malas-nak-layan-macam-kedai-ni-bapak-die-yang-punye attitude, so cancel there // go print at rj's print station instead // tertido kot tgu printing // submit the draft and go back to sleep // eh..wait..baru petang..jap..i lupe dah what happens next..em..macam tak best..sebab tu lupe..gosh..ape die...em.. // seriously lupe. nvrmind. next day.
ha! woke up and cari liza, but dia tido, then i have no one to have dinner with me, resulting to go to drive thru alone, then go to library pulangkan buku sambil didenda *thats y kurang ingat, memang tak best rupanya T__T"*
pagi pagi have to berkumpul at FAB, kononnye nak kene tunggu who's going to choosen to present, tapi sebenarnya, dah terpilih pun the presenter, im lucky not to be chosen! heheheh
time pergi bfast with liza, dah rancang, want to go luch at mak jah, since she never had a chance to go there..heeeee...rugi..last last, we all lupe langsung about lunch because liza is last minute informed that she have to present, xpe, u go girl! // after watching a few presentation by a few close frens, my heart suddenly decided to have a jcool. *thanx kakak, since u give me extra allowance to go and eat nice nice* heheheh// we as in me liza n fana, decide to go to get jcool n then go straight back...that was it, go all the way to CS for jcool. gile. tak. best!*//otw back, they decide to go to have dinner at mandela that night, uish...mestilah nak ikot kan..last last ni..semua pun touching kalo terlepas ....tunggu punya tunggu..nearly 7pm we go and bertolak to mandela (pontian, around 40 minutes- an hour driving), we packed my car with 3 guys yang bile duduk kat sit belakang jadi penuh macam sardin, me and liza)// before arriving at mandela, we drop by a surau for maghrib prayer, as im done with the praying...i heard the imam there baca tafsir quran...something like this....'jauhilah diri kamu dari orang orang yang zalim'....and there's more to that...ya tuhanku..engkau seolah olah memberi petunjuk...aku bersyukur...aku masih di bawah lindungan mu.... ;)
tiba at mandela...mengorder secara tamak untuk dimakan oleh 14 orang yang macam pirana la kan...ye la...perjalanan yang sangat jauh...//last last lepas makan..semua pun macam ikan buntal kot..hahaha...so many udang yang takkan jumpe sumwhere else....// very full and happy ;)
the boys have discussed earlier to go and visit ayied's crib..ceh..hehe...rumah family ayied...// we go there la kan...thennnnn....pecahkan kampung tu with karaoke session....gila ke ape..kampung orang ni...haish..tak beringat...and btw,...the whole day im in orange baju kurung...ini gila! ;P
bila balik..penat tak ingat..nasib baik ada orang lain driving...im totally flat, tu la karok semangat sangat kot...hahahahahaha...and lucky me i didnt have to scan my matrix card and perjudikan nasib untuk dipanggil ke kaunseling..heheheh...ok tido! happy happy day! ;) thanx to all friends who was there by my side that night. really really gonna miss you all ;)
our jcool. wowee!

nicky karoking! hehe

boys makan too much, then ngantok..hahah

muke innocent ke ape?

on our way back, scary huh the road?
pagi tak berapa pagi, since dah flat dari malam tadi....go to FAB to attend final post-moterm with external panel..i didnt say anything, since all my points have been pointed out by fellow beloved friends ;P
lunch was sponsored by the faculty, me and dosh was the first two to go and eat...hahahaha..dapat seat best kan? hahah // after lunch go and un-pin the drawings sambil take pix with my 'langit'. heeee. // duduk studi sekejap, serba tak kena, balik bilik, report sikit, tido...ok..ini kesan malam tadi..enjoy tak ngat, pastu pancit...
as i am waiting for the night, i didnt wonder anything. haha. nothing was in mind, since im to tired to see and hear all the negative things around. ITS THE ART OF GET ALONG WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE, RIGHT TIME, AT A RIGHT PLACE. it must be a combination of those three, kalau salah satu nye salah, or WRONG, im going to be emotionally distured * hati sangat kencang tak stabil kalau macam tu*
ada apa malam tu? erm, dinner batch oracle, tujuannya ialah menutup akaun oracle, lepas tanggungjawab aku ;) at first, planning not going so, since it is not the right environment for the heart, i assume. the words spread, feeling guilty then..and also wisdom words from many...really really terharu then...why am i menghukum diri sendiri dan kawan kawan baik di sekeliling yang lebih menghargai diri ini daripada negative itu? ade orang cakap, buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih....okay...aku akan buang yang keruh dalam selat tebrau yang dah kotor tu..biar kotor kotor bersama sama di situ...ambil yang jernih? my heart is not fully ready for that....then...persoalan..kenapalah aku selalu yang perlu mengalah? haish. nanti habis keluar semua peribahasa kang... ha...another friend said that...daripada kita biarkan hati kita sakit, baik kita biarkan orang tu lagi sakit....hahaha..kadang kadang true...contohnye bile die happy tengok kite sad, so kite perlu jadi lebih happy supaya die sad...in other words is REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY...hehe sangat true what... ok la...enough with all the feeling for the night, kesimpulannya, im not happy because the criteria of happiness is not fulfill.... :(
with pinky morning session
before get too emotional involved with surroundings while waiting for close fren to pick me up and go together
dengan hazman yang baru have a hair cut, he said that he's cute. ha? hehe
bangun pagi, gosok gigi...eh eh..betol la..bangun sangat pagi dan menyidai baju sebelum keluar pergi merepair lampu brek yang tidak kelihatan, rupa rupanya, switch die tercabut and hilang entah mane..sape nak ambik? aiyok. masih misteri. after that, kononnye nak join bfast mereka di mcd, but im a wee bit late, 11.02, bfast dah habis...frust..takpe..last2 online je kat situ since UTM shut down online last nyte...
before they go back, i ajak liza to go and meet my atok and tok mak, ini macam pre-requirement before balik to kl..seriously going there half-hearted. dont really know why. have lunch there, then help liza transfer her things to store in between writing these...and why am i not finishing the report??
ok bye!
p/s: will update later with better pix (dari kamera kakak yang dipinjam, thanx kakak ;) ) and also video clips! next week! promise promise. tunggu tau! ;D
bebetol punya diari seminggu ni..cepat2 balik kl..t leh lepak..
ReplyDeletehahahah. nasib baik aku ingat lagi ape aku buat. tanye aku minggu depan mesti aku dah lupa!
ait! lepak sebelum aku masuk kerja 3hb, boss dah kasi warning, ngah busy giler ni...ahaha...belom masuk lagi dah busy ni. ;P
haha..siap kene warning dah ni..wokey2..no problem..